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Deploy Microsoft 365 Alerts to
Decode Problems Faster

Admindroid Alerts offers unified solution to keep track of all activities happening across your Microsoft 365 tenant by providing real time alerts.

Deploy Alerts to Decode Problems Faster
Stay alert to the challenging risks at work
Stay alert to the challenging risks at work
Monitor 1500+ user activities in your organization
Monitor 1500+ user activities in your organization
Modern and easy to use alerting system
Modern and easy to use alerting system

Safeguard your environment in 4 simple steps

Monitoring day to day user events in your Microsoft 365 setup is quite challenging. Make it simple with AdminDroid Alerts. It offers a complete Office 365 alerting solution where you can detect and resolve issues as well as prevent future complications before they affect end-users.

create a new alert policy


You can create a new alert policy for any activity, regardless of its complexity. AdminDroid alerts come up with novel alert types such as new events, threshold, and comparison.


alert preview console to examine and develop an ideal alert policy by viewing the possible sample alerts


Too many alerts imply too many spoilers. You can use our alert preview console to examine and develop an ideal alert policy by viewing the possible sample alerts.


customize the alert policies' recipients, notification limits, severity, and labels to prioritize the events that matter the most.


As not all the alerts need same level of attention, you may customize the alert policy' recipients, notification limits, severity, and labels to prioritize the events that matter the most.


Take necessary actions in response to the generated alerts


Take necessary actions in response to the generated alerts by including alert statuses. Set the alert status to open, closed, or investigating so you can review it quickly.


Surpass the limitations of Native Microsoft 365 Alerting system

Alerts are not something new; Microsoft 365 Alerting is already a part of Security and Compliance Center. The main concern, however, is what makes AdminDroid alerts feature unique.

Fire Only the Alerts that Matters

Alerts aren't always as powerful as they can be when actual problems get lost in a sea of screaming sirens. With the inclusion of Comparison Alerts, you can analyze the past period activities and raise alert only when serious anomalies occur.

Fire Only the Alerts that Matters
A Complete picture of Alerts trends & Status Information

A Complete Picture of Alert Trends & Status Information

Visualize, analyse and monitor data on alert policies and triggered alerts all together in one location. Navigate seamlessly among generated alerts based on alert statuses, alert policies, and labels. Quickly dive into the specifics by clicking the statistics.

AdminDroid Alerts at Affordable Price

In Microsoft alerting system, primary features of alert policies are accessible only in E5 Subscription, which is of high cost. But AdminDroid offers affordable solution with more advanced functionalities.

AdminDroid Alerts at affordable price

What makes AdminDroid alerts apart from the rest?

AdminDroid alerts offer some unique functionalities in addition to the standard features which are detailed below.

A Quick Approach to Create Alert Policies

As AdminDroid offers 600+ audit reports, monitoring everything under a single tab is not everyone’s cup of tea. To ease your works, we are coming with a new feature where you can customize and create alert policies directly from any reports with required filters applied.

Visualize and Interpretate Alert Policies From Validating Console

AdminDroid alerts include Alerts preview console where the previous audit log entries of chosen activities will be gathered and displayed as sample alerts. Examining the sample alerts will help you in setting up a perfect condition for your alert policy.

Achieve Granular Alerting by Scope

Scope helps to accomplish a focused alerting, instead of an org-wide alert, it raises alerts based on the attributes you define. Say you want to alert when the user login fails more than 5 times in 10 minutes. Set 'Username' as scope to get user-specific alerts instead of org-wide failures.

Enhance Visualization with Rich Reporting Hierarchy

When the triggered alerts get pile up, you will lose track of time trying to manage them. Using AdminDroid, you can get a high-level view of alert policies and triggered alerts in a report format, including the visualization on alerts triggered and events that caused it.

Trigger, Acknowledge, and Resolve Incidents

The purpose of alerting doesn’t stop with triggering events, it also aims to resolving them. Setting up an alert status will allow you to review if the triggered event is still open, under investigation, or has been resolved.

Dominant Default Policies You Must Deploy

AdminDroid is ever ready with a helping hand in recommending the default alert policies that you must deploy. We come up with a diverse collection of prebuilt policy templates that make it easier for administrators to quickly deploying policies having a high degree of importance.

What can be done with AdminDroid Alerts?

Stay alert to the risk of cybersecurity attacks before it is too late

Stay alert to the risk of cybersecurity attacks before it is too late

The annual number of malware attacks is growing rapidly. Be constantly aware of all malware attacks and high risky sign-ins in your environment. If there are any such kind of suspicious activities, alert them right away to respective administrators.

Bring out unusual activities under radar

Bring out unusual activities under radar

Massive file/folder deletions and anonymous link creations are highly unusual. Configuring threshold alerts with a specified set percentage over a specified length of time will bring such activities to the forefront in Microsoft 365 forensic investigations.

Detect data loss

Detect data loss

To avoid data breaches, configure real time alert policies for when a file/folder is externally shared or deleted, along with a severity classification. This classification will help you in prioritizing how severe the action is.

Track changes happening in any Policies and Configurations

Track changes happening in any Policies and Configurations

The abrupt disabling or modifications in policies like Advanced Threat Protection, Exchange Online Protection, Anti-phishing policy are clear signs of a threat and demand an immediate response. Create security alert if any of the Threat Protection configurations has been changed.

Protect your confidential information

Protect your confidential information

Prevent phishing campaigns from obtaining the sensitive information as they can leak credit card details and login credentials. Add an additional layer of security by raising an alert to protect the confidentiality of your organization.

Default Alert Policies

AdminDroid has 45+ built-in policy templates that can assist you in deploying much needed policy in your office 365 environment.


Managing activities like elevation of admin privileges and ownership changes.

Information Governance

Managing activities like unusual volume of file deletions, external sharing.

Threat Management

Managing activities like cybersecurity threats, risky sign-ins, ATP policy changes.

File Traffic Monitoring

Monitor Accessed files in OneDrive, Notes and SharePoint.

Risky Sign-Ins

Managing activities such as Blocked user logins, Sign-ins from anonymous IP addresses....

Configuration Changes

Monitor the changes on User license, Advanced threat protection, Domain changes....



Policies coming under permission will help you in managing activities like elevation of admin privileges and ownership changes.

Elevation of Global admin privilege

Creates an alert when a user is added to the global admin role in the organization

Severity - Severe

Elevation of exchange admin privilege

Creates alerts if a user gets added to the exchange admin role in the organization.

Severity - Severe

Admin consent to applications

Creates an alert having a list of consents given to any applications by the admins in the organization.

Severity - Severe

Elevation of administrative privilege

Creates alerts when a user gets added to any of the admin roles in the organization.

Severity - Severe

Teams channel ownership changes

Creates an alert with a list of newly changed ownership in the Teams channels.

Severity - Low

Re-enabling blocked user accounts

Creates an alert whenever an admin enables any of the previously sign-in disabled user accounts in the organization.

Severity - Severe

Information Governance

Information Governance

Security incidents like unusual volume of file deletions, external sharing can be monitored by implementing the policies coming under information governance.

Unusual volume of file deletion

Creates an alert with a list of users who recently deleted an unusual number of files in SharePoint or OneDrive in the organization.

Severity - Severe

Teams private channel creations

Creates alerts whenever a private channel is created in Teams.

Severity - Info

eDiscovery search created

Creates alerts when a user created an eDiscovery search or content search in the organization.

Severity - Low

eDiscovery search exported or previewed

Creates alerts when a user previewed or exported any of the eDiscovery or content search results.

Severity - Low

Unusual volume of anonymous link creations

Creates an alert with a list of users who creates an unusual number of anonymous links in SPO or OneDrive in a day.

Severity - Low

Accessed notes in OneNote

Creates an alert with a list of accessed notes by comparing the previous week's and current week's accessed notes in OneNote.

Severity - Info

Accessed OneDrive files

Creates an alert with a list of accessed files by comparing the previous week's and current week's accessed files in OneDrive.

Severity - Info

Accessed SharePoint files

Creates an alert with a list of accessed files by comparing the previous week's and current week's accessed files in SharePoint.

Severity - Info

SharePoint DLP rule matched documents

Creates alerts whenever any of the SharePoint documents match the Data Loss Prevention rule configured in the organization.

Severity - Medium

Threat Management

Threat Management

Do you want to keep track of suspicious activities like cybersecurity threats, risky sign-ins, ATP policy change? Then a take look on policies coming under threat management.

Creation of external forwarded rule

Creates alerts when a new external forwarded email rule is created in Outlook by the users.

Severity - Medium

Malware campaign detected after delivery

Creates an alert with a list of new malware mails delivered to the users.

Severity - Severe

Admins forced user password reset

Creates an alert when an admin forces password reset for a user to avoid any security breach.

Severity - Low

Anti-phish policy creations and changes

Creates alerts whenever an anti-phish policy is created or updated in the organization.

Severity - Medium

Unusual anonymous user file activities

Creates an alert containing records of anonymous users who have done unusual volume of file activities within short period.

Severity - High

Unusual volume of users' daily login failure summary

Creates an alert having a list of users whose failed logins increased by comparing the same day in the previous week's failed login activities.

Severity - High

Resolved risky sign-ins of users

Creates an alert whenever a user's risky sign-in gets resolved.

Severity - Info

Blocked user attempted to login

When sign-in blocked users try to login, create an alert with a list of all attempted users with their login details such as location, device, etc.

Severity - Severe

External Sharing

External Sharing

Implement the policies under external sharing to prevent your organization's data from falling into the wrong hands. It will help you in managing activities such as external email forwarding, anonymous and unusual amount of link creations, external user file access activities.

Anonymous link creations

Creates an alert with a list of new anonymous link created by users in the organization.

Severity - Medium

Unusual volume of external file sharing

Creates an alert with a list of users who recently shared an unusual number of files with any external users.

Severity - High

Unusual external user file access activity

Creates an alert if any unusual volume of file access activity by external users is detected by comparing the same day in the previous weeks' file access activity.

Severity - Severe

Resources accessed using anonymous links

Creates an alert having a list of SharePoint or OneDrive files which is more accessed by comparing the previous day's file access activities. It lets you ensure that a file is not shared wrongly on any public site.

Severity - Low

Unusual number of site invitations shared to external users

Creates an alert when an unusual number of site invitations shared to external users by comparing the same day in the previous week.

severity - High

File Traffic monitoring

File Traffic monitoring

Policies coming under file traffic monitoring will monitor accessed files in OneDrive, Notes and SharePoint.

DLP rule detected mails

Creates alerts whenever any mail matches the Data Loss Prevention rule configured in the organization.

Severity - Low

Mail flow configuration changes

Creates an alert if any of the mail flow configurations are changed.

Severity - High

Mailbox non-owner access

Creates an alert if an unusual number of non-owner access of any mailbox is detected by comparing the same day in the previous week's non-owner access activity.

Severity - Info

Sign ins based on application

Creates an alert by comparing the previous and current week's sign-ins of each application available in the organization.

Severity - Info

Risky sign-ins

Risky sign-ins

Reduce anomalous login activities like blocked user logins, sign-ins from anonymous IP addresses, and unusual volume of admin login failures by deploying policies under ‘Risky sign-ins'.

Unusual volume of sign Ins blocked by Access Policy

Creates an alert if an unusual number of sign-ins blocked due to access policy by comparing the same day in the previous week's blocked sign-ins.

severity - High

High level risky sign ins

Creates alerts if a high-level risky sign-in is detected for a user in the organization.

Severity - High

Unusual volume of admins' login failures

Creates an alert whenever an unusual volume of admins’ login failures has been detected when compared to the same day in the previous week's failed logins.

Severity - High

Unlikely travel risk detections

Creates alerts if an impossible travel risk is detected for any users in the organization.

Severity - Severe

Sign ins from anonymous IP address

Creates alerts when a user sign-in from an anonymous IP address risk is detected in the organization.

Severity - Severe

All failed activities

Creates a single alert by comparing the previous and current week's failed activities for every workload.

Severity - High

Configuration Changes

Configuration Changes

Ensure regulatory compliance and remain up to date on any changes made to regulations and configurations in your organization. Deploying policies under configuration updates will help you monitor the changes made on user license, advanced threat protection policy, data loss prevention policy, domain changes, and so on.

User license changes

Creates alerts if any of the Office 365 licenses have been assigned/revoked for a user in the organization.

Severity - Info

Advanced Threat Protection configuration changes

Creates an alert if any of the Advanced Threat Protection configurations have been changed in the organization.

Severity - Medium

Directory setting changes

Creates alerts whenever a user has changed the directory setting in the organization.

Severity - Medium

Domain changes

Creates alerts if any domain settings have been changed in the organization.

Severity - High

Data Loss Prevention configuration changes

Creates an alert whenever a DLP configuration has been changed in the organization.

Severity - Medium

ATP default policy changes

Creates alerts whenever the Advanced Threat Protection settings for default policy have been changed in the organization.

Severity - Medium

MFA disabled users

Creates alerts whenever the MFA feature is disabled for a user in the organization.

Severity - High

Group owner changes

Creates an alert having a list of users who added to or removed from any of the group ownerships in the organization.

Severity - Medium

License assigned to external users

Creates an alert listing all the newly assigned Office 365 licenses to external users.

Severity - Low


Receive instant email notification anytime when an alert is triggered. You will receive an overview of all events which triggered the alert as an attachment in the email body.

Some alerts demand immediate action, while others can be handled later. Include alerts severity to resolve serious issues faster before they turn into unwanted chaos.

Labeling will assist with profiling and prioritizing of your alert policies. Categorize alert policies better by creating custom labels.

Enhance data monitoring capabilities with rich reporting features. To meet your specific requirements, create your own custom blend of charts, AI-powered graphs, and infographics.

Delegate ownership of specific alerts by delegating respective alert reports with filters or views.

Periodic scheduling of the alert reports enables users to use the data for future compliance and investigative demands.

Email the Alert reports with customized messages to desired recipients and export them.

Dashboard to present you with a complete overview of alert statuses and trends, as well as details on triggered events.

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