Microsoft 365 Groups & Contacts
Office 365 Groups and contacts have been created for user collaboration within and outside the organization. It is prominent to monitor doubtful activities such as external user addition, mail user changes, mail contact removals, etc., as they may result in data abuse. Use these audit reports to track changes made on various group types, Exchange mail contacts, and mail users.
Operations on Office 365 groups.
This report lists the creation, removal, and modification of Microsoft 365 groups, group memberships, and ownerships done using PS cmdlets.
Admins can use this report to track the suspected ownership changes, member changes, etc., and can modify them if required.
Also, they can view the details of the performed activity, username, respective Office 365 group name, and more.
Operations on distribution groups.
Creation and removal of M365 distribution groups, group memberships, and ownership changes are available in this report.
Admins should audit this report to identify the unnecessary changes made to group memberships and they can modify them if needed.
Further, they can view details like usernames, respective distribution groups, operation names, and more.
Operations on dynamic distribution groups.
A list of dynamic distribution group activities, such as group creations, removals, group member changes, owner changes, etc., are available in this report.
Analyzing this report helps admins identify the group members and can exclude unwanted users from a dynamic distribution group if required.
Obtain the details of the activity time, respective distribution group, etc., using this report.
Operations on group objects.
Using this report, admins can get a list of all the Exchange group activities like creation, removal, member and owner modifications, etc., altogether.
It helps admins to view detailed info such as PS cmdlet used, users, activity time, group type, etc. Viewing this report elevates the Exchange group management in the organization.
Operations on mail contact.
This report lists the information about the changes made to Office 365 Exchange mail contacts. As contact information is accessible to public users, unnecessary modifications might be made effortlessly.
Admins can use this report to audit unnecessary modifications of contact details. Also, they can obtain the details of the activity time, performed operation, contact name, and more.
Audits the changes on mail user.
In this report, admins will find information about the changes made to mail users.
Admins can examine detailed info about users who got converted from mail contact to mail user and significant mail user changes using this report.
Further, they can view the details of the activity performed, UPN, activity time, and more.