🎉 Our Office 365 Reporting Tool is now available in Azure Marketplace 🚀
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Why Should You Choose AdminDroid?

Rich Reporting Features

Advanced reporting capabilities such as scheduling, export, customizable reports, advanced filters, etc.

One Tool to Rule

A single tool to manage your entire Office 365 infrastructure.


Do complex tasks with few mouse clicks using a simple to use web-based interface.

Non-admin Delegation

Allow non-admins to view reports and statistics.

Easy setup

Easy to set up. No prerequisites to install. No maintenance as the product will automatically update to latest version.

No Maintenance

The inbuilt auto-updating mechanism ensures always the product is up-to-date with security standards and latest features.

Single tool to take control of Microsoft 365

Azure AD License Utilization License Expiry Users & Groups Unlicensed User User Managers & Direct Reports Group Members Group Owners Group-based Licensing Login Activities Password Changes MFA Disabled Users Device Registrations
Security MFA Enforced Users MFA Non-Activated Users Password Expiry Users with Weak Passwords External Users Guest Users Risky Login Attempts External User License Assignments Secure Score eDiscovery Non-Owner Mailbox Access Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Advanced Threat Protection
Sign-in Analysis User Sign-in Location Last Log-on Summary External User Sign-ins Guest Sign-ins Non-Compliant Device Sign-ins Unmanaged Device Sign-ins MFA failed Sign-ins 2FA Authentication Methods Conditional Access failures Conditional Access Policies Sign-ins Risk Level Unlikely Travel Risky Sign-ins Anonymous IP Sign-ins Compromised Risky Sign-ins
Email Send as Emails Send on Behalf Emails Undelivered Mails Mails Sent by Delegates Email Traffic External Email Forwarding Spam Detections Top Phish Receivers External Spoof Mails Top Malwares Internal Mail flow External Mail flow Users’ Active Hours
Teams Public Teams Private Teams Teams Membership Private & Shared Channels Login Activities Private Channels Team Setting Changes Inactive Users Teams Device Usage External File Sharing Teams Add-ons Private Channel Membership Changes Ownership Promotions and Demotions
Exchange Online Mailbox Usage Inactive Mailboxes Active Out of Office Settings Mailbox Permissions Audit Disabled Mailboxes Mailbox Hold Non-owner Access Mobile Device Configurations Public Folders Role Assignments Mail Flow Exchange Contacts
SharePoint Online Site Collections Sites Lists Documents Libraries Site Users Site Groups Site Usage Site Admins Access Requests Sharing Invites Company Links Anonymous File Access External File Activity Folder Activities Page Views
OneDrive Inactive Users Storage Trend Active Files File Accesses Folder Deletions Company Links Anonymous Links Internal Share External Share
Power BI Dashboards Reports Apps DataSets Dataflows Pro Trial Opt-Ins Management Activities Sharing Activities Viewing Activities Scheduled Refresh Settings
Stream Live Events Audit Teams Meeting Recordings Sharing & Viewing Like/Unlike Comment Activities Video Downloads Text Track Events Stream Channels Stream Groups Admin Role Changes Stream Setting Changes
Yammer Inactive Users Inactive Groups Group Activities Number of Likes Number of Posts Number of Posts Reads Mobile Device Usage Browser Usage Active Devices
Skype for Business Conferences Audio Video Sessions Call Durations Daily Activity Summary PSTN Usage Instant Message Statistics Client Devices

Security is always our first priority

We never ask your Administrator password to collect data.

Your Office 365 data stored securely in your local environment.

SSO with Office 365: Sign in with the application seamlessly. No extra password to manage.

Data is collected by connecting to Microsoft API endpoints through encrypted SSL connection.

What do customers say about our product?

AdminDroid helps with almost all topics in the Microsoft Cloud. AdminDroid simply helps us analyse, audit and report on our environments. The ease and elegance of use make AdminDroid almost indispensable for us.

Philippe Wettstein Chief Managed Services Officer ITpoint Systems AG

Thanks to AdminDroid we were able to setup different views for worldwide branch offices and automate a lot of processes. The product support also helps fast and very straight forward. I can absolutely recommend AdminDroid for getting a better visibility inside the Microsoft 365 Tenant.

Filip Oldach Technical Lead Enterprise Solutions bitery GmbH & Co. KG

We started using AdminDroid as an easy way to comply with some of our CIS20 objectives. Now it’s an important source of information to our security-team and servicedesk. Amazing to see how easy it is to find information about user activity in AzureAD that would otherwise take much longer using native Microsoft tooling.

Marc Punte System Administrator / System and network architect Ster

AdminDroid has helped me to compile a clear sight picture of our entire Microsoft cloud presence, allowing me showcase some of our Microsoft cloud based configuration inconsistencies as well as licensing concerns. AdminDroid intuitiveness is superior to the sprawling, clunky Microsoft web based offering. I really appreciate that AdminDroid brings of our information together in a single pane.

Dean Hufford Infrastructure Engineer North Los Angeles County Regional Center

The main thing I loved about AdminDroid was how easy it was to setup and get working. I had tried 4 other products, and not one got to the stage of pulling data, because of MFA issues. AdminDroid ran though the install, opened the page to Office 365 MFA permission request, and then proceeded to populate the local database.

James Rhodes Senior Network Engineer Belz Investco

Just started checking out AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter and already in love. What a great reporting tool. Like GUI for #PowerShell #Office365 #cloudit

Chad Hudson Head of Information Security Datacor

Microsoft 365 Insights and Analytics

Tired of processing endless PowerShell outputs to get the insights you need?

We deliver the insights that you won’t find anywhere!
Powered by millions of records processed beneath the dashboards

  • Bird’s eye view of entire Microsoft 365 space. It included statistics of users, licenses, groups, mailboxes, sites, etc.
  • Save money by efficiently utilizing the purchased office 365 licenses.
  • Dedicated dashboards for Users, Groups, License, Security, Mail Traffic, Spam & Malware Trend.
  • Easily dig deeper into provided insights.
Azure AD Insights Multi-factor Authentication Overview Password Status Breakdown Exchange Online Insights SharePoint Online Insights Office 365 Subscriptions Office 365 User Insights Office 365 License Insights Office 365 Security Analytics Office 365 Group Insights Exchange audit Insights Exchange Online Mailbox Traffic Monitoring Exchange Online Mailbox Traffic Monitoring Exchange Online Mailbox Connnection Insights Exchange Online Mailbox Usage Analytics Office 365 Overall Insights Office 365 Birds Eye View Office 365 Insights with GEO Map Office 365 Detailed Charts View

Microsoft 365 Advanced Usage Analytics

Struggling to see value in the purchased M365 licenses?

Don't miss out on the full benefits of Microsoft 365 services
Uncover implementable insights to experience the maximum power of M365

Filter O365 Audit Events Office 365 Audit Activities Insights Office 365 Usage and Adoption Analytics Detailed View of an Audit Event Detailed View of an Audit Event with detailed quick view Office 365 Usage and Adoption Overview
  • Easily measure how various O365 services are used and adopted across department, city, country, job title etc.
  • Monitor adoption trend, plan training and report your management with meaningful insights.
  • 360-degree visibility of activities and usage across all O365 applications in a single place.
  • Discover usage trends, activity trends, daily login trends and document sharing activities.
  • Keep informed about how much activities are occurring, which users are active, what are the top activities, failed activities, etc.

Microsoft 365 Auditing

Hunting the action that caused critical reactions in your M365 ecosystem?

Get the whole picture behind every user action
Come up with perfect solution to every incident in M365!

  • Monitor each and every activity happening inside your Office 365 environment.
  • Timeless preservation of audit log information for a long period as per your company compliance policy.
  • Get clear information about anonymous users, external users, and guest users activities.
  • Easily monitor failed logins and brute-force attempts. Perform forensic research on compromised accounts.
  • Keep track of critical activities like anonymous link sharing, non-owner mailbox access.
  • Pass compliance audits such as HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, ISO 27001, GLBA, FERPA, PCI DSS, NERC, and others.
All User Activities Category based Activity Classification Office 365 Activities Trend User Email Activity Office 365 Activities Trend - Events View Office 365 Activity - Detailed View Office 365 Activity - Detailed failed activities

Microsoft 365 Reporting

Struggling to make informed decisions that streamline your M365 environment?

With our 1500+ research-backed reports, you know what to do!

Export Office 365 Reports - HTML, PDF, CSV, XLS, XLSX Export Office 365 Reports - HTML, PDF, CSV, XLS, XLSX Microsoft 365 reports schedule reports Office 365 Reporting - Advanced Filters Office 365 Reporting - Saved Filters Office 365 Reporting - Custom Views Office 365 Reporting - Custom Views Office 365 Reporting - Custom Views Office 365 Reporting - Custom Views Office 365 Reporting - Custom Views SharePoint Online Data Synchronization Reports Tabular view Office 365 Reporting - Report Info Office 365 Reporting - Detailed Report Info
  • Provides advanced in-built reports that help to manage your Users, Licenses, Group, Mailbox, Sites, Documents, etc.
  • Take control of access permission and security settings on various critical Office 365 components like mailboxes, sites, documents etc.
  • Identify top trending mailboxes, sites, documents, and groups in your organization.
  • Visualize the internal and outgoing traffic in Exchange mailboxes and SharePoint sites.
  • Always be up-to-date with near-real-time reports that auto-refreshes at specific intervals.

Microsoft 365 Alerting

Missed noticing a critical event in the chores of monitoring thousands of events daily?

Be alerted to every critical event in your M365 ecosystem
On time, every time - all without lifting a finger!

  • Get email alerts on 1400+ activities and get entire Microsoft 365 tenant under your radar.
  • Compare all activities with their past trend and quickly define thresholds for alert notification.
  • Along with 55+ ready-to-deploy alert policies, you can also quickly create customized policies from 600+ audit reports.
  • The Alerts Preview Console prevents creating inappropriate alert policies by illustrating sample alerts from your audit data.
  • Alert dashboard provides a quick and intuitive way to visualize alerts, status, and trends.
Overview of M365 Alert policies Detailed View of Triggered Alert Policies Microsoft 365 Alert Insights Microsoft 365 Alert Details Alert Policy Preview – Detailed View AdminDroid Alert Policy Creation Default M365 Alert Policy Templates

Microsoft 365 Delegation

Sensitive data all over AdminDroid?

Ensure no leakage with Granular Access Delegation

Overview of Delegated Admin Roles M365 Delegated Admin Role Creation Delegated Admin Role Filters AdminDroid Reports & Dashboard Delegation Delegated Admin Selection Delegated Admin Role Assignment
  • Granularly limit access to specific Microsoft 365 data, such as users, groups, teams, SharePoint sites, etc.
  • Utilize built-in admin roles or create custom roles based on the organization needs.
  • Quickly verify the delegated user's accessible resources with the "View as Delegated User" feature.
  • Restrict delegated admins from accessing sensitive or confidential data.
  • Easily tailor access levels with versatile delegation options based on Office 365 properties (such as specific departments, groups, teams) or AdminDroid features like reports, dashboards, etc.
  • Easily monitor the activity of admins within AdminDroid using the comprehensive Admin Activity reports.

Microsoft 365 Regulatory Compliance

Finding compliance audit a daunting task?

Understand your organization's compliance posture effortlessly!
We've gathered all the puzzle pieces for you – sit back, review, and excel every compliance audit

  • Effortlessly achieve compliance audits with precise mapping of compliance controls and M365 reports.
  • Retain your organization data for over 90 days using AdminDroid and conveniently pass your compliance audits.
  • Utilize well-curated report packages to envision the activities to be monitored to ensure compliance.
  • Download or Schedule all the data in a single click instead of juggling multiple Microsoft 365 portals.
  • Use the pre-compiled PDFs to understand how NIST control groups are linked with the compliance controls and equivalent M365 reports.
M365 Compliance Report Export Details Microsoft 365 SOX Compliance Report Collection Compliance Report Downloading M365 PCI-DSS Compliance Report Selection Emailing M365 Compliance Reports Scheduling M365 Compliance Reports
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