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How to Get Teams Membership Report in Microsoft 365

The success of each team in Microsoft Teams lies in the proper management of its members. It's therefore essential to ensure that your users are part of the appropriate teams to improve productivity and collaboration. Don't wait! Discover the best practices to monitor and manage user memberships in Microsoft Teams.

Native Solution

Microsoft 365 Permission Required


Global Admin or Teams Admin.

Option 1 Using Microsoft Teams Admin Center

  • Navigate to the Teams admin center.
  • Under Users, click Manage users.
  • Select the desired user by clicking their display name.
  • Click Teams and find a list of teams that the specific user is a member of.
Using Microsoft Teams Admin Center

Option 2 Using Windows PowerShell

  • Make sure you installed and imported the Teams module using these cmdlets.
    Install-Module –Name MicrosoftTeams
    Import-Module –Name MicrosoftTeams 
  • Run the below cmdlets to connect MS Teams and get the list of all teams in which a user is a member.
    Get-Team -User <UserPrincipalName>
Using Windows PowerShell

Option 3 Using PowerShell Script

  • Getting users and their Microsoft Teams membership in a single cmdlet is not possible in PowerShell.
  • Hence, we have prepared a PowerShell script to retrieve and export some useful reports for Microsoft Teams.
  • Download and run the following script in the Administrator PowerShell.
Using PowerShell Script
AdminDroid Solution
More than 150 reports are under free edition.

AdminDroid Permission Required

Any user with report access delegated by the Super Admin.

StepsUsing AdminDroid

  • Open the AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter.
  • Navigate to the 'Teams members' report under Reports»Teams»Teams Membership section.
  • To filter the desired User’s team list, search and select the member’s name from the easy filter available at the top of the report page, as displayed in the below screenshot.
Using AdminDroid

Retrieve the complete list of teams a user is member of, along with details such as team name, member name, member mail, department, sign-in status, usage location, etc.

  • Furthermore, the report provides an integrated bird's eye view and charts, which enable admins to easily identify all the teams and their membership.

Simple yet the best! Isn't it?

Don't struggle to keep track of your team members- Ensure a clear view of your Team's membership effortlessly with AdminDroid!

Witness the report in action using the

Important Tips

Make sure you do not add more number of guest users to your Microsoft Teams. If added, manage the team's guest users regularly to ensure the safety of your data.

To maintain a healthy and well-balanced team membership in your organization, it is essential to prevent each team member from being a member of too many teams.

Ensure the proper monitoring of Teams owners since they are responsible for managing teams' membership permissions and activities.

Microsoft TeamsGet a Teams’ Members Report for Efficient Teams Management in Microsoft 365.

Showing 1 of 7

Why it is necessary to know all teams a user is a member of?

Managing all the teams a user is a member of in Microsoft Teams can be beneficial for several reasons. The most important ones are listed below.

  • Data Security and Compliance Monitoring team membership permissions are critical in maintaining data security and compliance. It ensures that sensitive information is accessible only to the right individuals and teams.
  • Improved Collaboration Knowing all teams a user is a member of helps determine their roles, responsibilities, and contributions to different projects. This knowledge promotes more efficient and effective collaboration among Microsoft Teams.
  • Better Resource Allocation By tracking the teams a user belongs to, you can more effectively allocate resources, including tasks and skills which ultimately contribute to better project management.
  • Accurate Communication Understanding a user's team membership ensures that information, announcements, and updates reach the right people, reducing the chance of miscommunication.

What is the member role in Microsoft Teams?

In Microsoft Teams, the member role is the default role given to most users in a team. Members can participate in conversations, access shared files, create tabs and collaborate with other team members according to their permissions.

  • Members can create, edit, and delete their messages and share files within Teams channels.
  • Members can also join meetings, view recordings, and utilize all features in Microsoft Teams.
  • However, team members do not have administrative privileges or the ability to change team settings. They are unable to remove other members, change channel settings and manage apps &tabs. These actions can only be performed by team owners and admins.

Also, members can become moderators if the admins turn on Moderation in Microsoft Teams. Moderators have additional permissions than team members that allow them to set up team member permissions, post to a channel, and add or remove other members.

They can also decide team members' replies to the existing channel messages and control bots and connectors messages on channels.

What are the guest access limitations in Microsoft Teams?

You can invite external users to collaborate with your organization's internal teams and channels. They can be clients, partners, resellers, or any others outside the organization.

Configure Guest Access in the Teams Admin Center

You can control and manage guest access from the Teams admin center.

  • Navigate to Users section in Teams admin center, then click Guest access.
  • Now, you can configure the guest access for your organization.
  • Here, you can also manage calling, meeting, and messaging features for guest users.

Therefore, it's important to manage the guest user's membership to prevent data leakages and enable improved security.

Using AdminDroid, you can get all the Microsoft Teams external members in one place.

  • This report provides the list of guest users with their domain names and their team membership details.
  • Note: By clicking the Email this report now option, you can directly send the report and its details to the desired recipient’s inbox.

How do you see what Teams a user is a member of?

Regularly monitoring the membership details of Teams allows you to ensure that only the appropriate individuals have access to teams and channels. This is important because users may frequently join and leave teams based on organizational requirements.

You can get the User’s Teams membership details from Microsoft 365 in the below ways:

  • Teams Admin Center To get the users' teams list in the Teams admin center, navigate to ‘Manage Users’ under Teams.
  • Microsoft PowerShell Run the PowerShell cmdlet provided and get the detailed Teams membership report.

However, the Teams admin center requires manual searching of users and their teams, and PowerShell does not offer user-friendly reports to manage the Microsoft Teams membership.

AdminDroid's comprehensive Teams membership report provides valuable insights to help you effectively manage the users in Teams environment.

  • With the Quick Schedule feature, you can generate a monthly report schedule for the Teams membership report. This allows you to monitor your Teams regularly without the need for manual report searches.

Note: You can download any of the reports in the required format from the report page itself, by clicking the download icon.

How to manage team membership in Microsoft Teams?

Managing team membership in Microsoft Teams involves various important tasks, such as adding, removing, and monitoring overall team members’ permissions. Keeping track of these activities is crucial, especially when users leave an organization or move to another project within Microsoft 365.

As a result, you can remove the user from relevant teams and add them to appropriate teams to ensure proper collaboration and communication within Microsoft Teams.

Add a New Member to a Team

Adding new members to a team in Microsoft Teams is a simple process that can be accomplished by any existing team member.

  • Go to desired team in Microsoft Teams.
  • Select the More options of the respective team.
  • Click Add member and start to type the username.
  • Select the user and click add.

Add Multiple Users to a Team

As an admin, adding multiple users to a group will be helpful when managing a larger number of groups and their members simultaneously.

Unfortunately, you can add one user at a time in Microsoft Teams. However, you can easily add bulk users to a Microsoft Teams group through Azure AD.

Perform the below steps to add bulk members to your Teams from the Azure AD,

  • Navigate to Azure Active Directory.
  • Click All groups and select the desired group.
  • Click Members and select Import member from the Bulk operations type.
  • Upload your user's CSV file and save the changes.

Note: To include a guest user as a member in Teams, you need to be the owner of the team. Similarly, to remove multiple users from teams, you can go to the Teams admin center»click Manage Teams»Choose the team, select the users you want to remove, and click on the Remove option.

What is the dynamic membership in Microsoft Teams?

In Microsoft Teams, you can create teams with dynamic membership from Azure AD. This option automatically adds or removes users to the teams or groups based on specific rules and attributes, keeping teams up to date without manual effort.

Change the Membership Type of Microsoft Teams:

During the group creation process, you have the option to choose the membership type. To change the existing team's membership type, simply follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Microsoft Entra admin center.
  • Select any Microsoft 365 group from the Groups section.
  • Click Properties under Manage.
  • Select and choose the 'Dynamic User' in the Membership type.
  • Click Add dynamic query and set your specific rules and attributes for the dynamic membership

Note: You need global admin privileges, user admin, or group admin permissions to access the Microsoft Entra admin center.

However, this automatic member addition may be challenging for admins to know users' actual memberships. Therefore, gaining insights into membership details and activities becomes vital for smooth and efficient Teams management.

How to audit Microsoft Teams membership changes?

Monitoring teams' membership or ownership changes is crucial in Microsoft Teams since any undesired changes can result in unauthorized data access. By auditing teams' membership changes, admins can detect any unnecessary modifications and improve the overall security within Microsoft Teams.

You can follow the below steps to audit Microsoft Teams membership changes.

  • Navigate to the Audit page in the Microsoft 365 Purview portal.
  • Set the Date range and select the following Teams membership activities from the 'Activities–friendly names' dropdown.
    • Added members
    • Changed role of members
    • Removed members
  • Select 'MicrosoftTeams' from the Workloads dropdown and click on 'Search'.
  • Once the search is completed, you can check the teams membership changes log.

However, the native solution involves manual selection and filtering of events to track Teams users' membership changes which can be a time-consuming task.

With AdminDroid, you can easily track teams' membership changes for any team in Microsoft 365.

  • Access the teams' membership and ownership changes report to monitor all the membership updates in Microsoft Teams.
  • This report provides valuable insights such as event time, added user, user who performed the operation, and more.

AdminDroid’s Alert feature allows you to receive alerts whenever there is a team member or team owner change in Microsoft Teams, based on your alert settings. With the help of these alerts, you can effortlessly monitor and keep track of both regular and unusual membership changes in Microsoft Teams.

AdminDroid MS Teams ReporterSimplifying the discovery of Microsoft Teams memberships with ease!

Introducing AdminDroid's Microsoft Teams reporting tool - the ultimate solution for Microsoft 365 reports. No more navigation through admin centers or use of complex PowerShell cmdlets. With AdminDroid, you get instant access to Teams membership details in a comprehensive report format, making regular verification a breeze.

Mastering Teams Membership management with AdminDroid's distinctive capabilities:

The ‘Teams Members’ report will provide you with detailed information on Microsoft Teams members such as member name, team name, channel name, members’ email, etc. that helps to manage your complete Microsoft Teams environment.

A Quick Summary

Comprehensive Overview Teams Membership

Effortlessly access and understand your organization’s team’s membership from a dedicated teams membership dashboard.

Simplified Report Distribution via Email

Eliminate the need for other sharing methods, simply share the report with other Microsoft 365 admins just by using their email addresses.

Get Real-time Alerts on Teams Membership Changes

Create alerts to track and monitor the unauthorized membership or ownership changes in Microsoft Teams. Ensure you always stay informed on Teams membership at your fingertips.

Simplify Report Generation with Advanced Scheduling

Schedule MS Teams reports and have them delivered straight to your inbox, keeping you constantly informed about the status of your Teams and their membership details.

Flexible Report Export

Adapt and export the team’s membership report to various formats like HTML, PDF, CSV, XLS, XLSX, and RAW. Ensure you always have an efficient Teams members’ statistics, tailored to your use case.

Efficient Management of Teams Guest Users

Easily monitor Microsoft Teams guest users’ with their detailed insight in a single report. Effectively manage and control guest user access in Microsoft 365.

Overall, AdminDroid makes your Teams membership management into a simple task. Other reports like teams' info, channels, private channels, and teams' activities give you a complete overview of your Microsoft Teams environment.

Kickstart Your Journey with AdminDroid

Your Microsoft 365 Companion with Enormous Reporting Capabilities!

Possible Errors and Resolution Steps while getting a list of Teams a user is a member of

The following are possible errors and troubleshooting hints while dealing with Teams membership in Microsoft Teams.

Error: Does not provide any result for the cmdlet.

The output shows nothing in PowerShell and Teams admin center. This error occurs if the user is not a member of any Teams.

Troubleshooting hint :Ensure that the user is a member of at least one Team. Check the spelling of the user's name.

Error: Authorization_RequestDenied.

This error occurs when a user attempts to run the cmdlet or script without the required permissions to retrieve Teams data.

Troubleshooting hint :Ensure that the user has the necessary permissions, such as global admin or Teams admin permissions, to execute the PowerShell script successfully.

Error: Get-MgUserJoinedTeam: Authentication needed, call Connect-MgGraph

This error will occur while you are running the ‘Get-MgUserJoinedTeam' cmdlet without connecting to the MgGraph.

Troubleshooting hint :Install and connect to MgGraph before using this cmdlet.

Error: get-MgUserJoinedTeam: Failed to execute MsGraph backend request GetUserGroupsS2SRequest.

This error will occur when you are searching for any external user using the ‘Get-MgUserJoinedTeam' cmdlet.

Troubleshooting hint :If you need a Teams list of any Guest/External user, kindly use the ‘Get-Team’ cmdlet for easier retrieval of the guest user teams membership list.

Error: Some of the users are missing in the ‘Users’ tab of the Teams admin center.

This is because of the default configuration in the Teams admin center, where only licensed users are displayed in the Users list and guest users are not included.

Troubleshooting hint : Obtaining guest users' membership from the Teams admin center is not possible. However, you can utilize PowerShell and graph methods to retrieve the membership details of Teams guest users.

New-MgInvitation -InvitedUserDisplayName <UserDisplayName> -InvitedUserEmailAddress <UserPrincipalName> -InviteRedirectUrl "https://myapplications.microsoft.com" -SendInvitationMessage:$true

Add-TeamUser -GroupId <GroupID> -User <UserPrincipalName>