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How to Get Microsoft 365 License Usage Report

Are you still paying for unused Microsoft 365 licenses? It is time to reduce unnecessary expenses! Learn how to check Microsoft 365 license usage, especially when employees leave or change roles. Elevate your Microsoft 365 license optimization strategy with our comprehensive license usage report.

Native Solution

Microsoft 365 Permission Required


Global Admin or any other high admin roles.

Option 1 Using Microsoft 365 Admin Center

  • Sign-in to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Navigate to 'Licenses' section under 'Billing'.
  • You can check all available licenses in Office 365 under the 'Subscriptions' section.
Using Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Option 2 Using Windows PowerShell

  • Make sure you installed and connected to the ‘Microsoft Graph’ module using the cmdlets below.
  • Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell
     Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
  • Run the following cmdlet to get all Microsoft 365 licenses in your organization.
  • Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell
Using Windows PowerShell

Option 3 Using PowerShell Script

  • However, to get in-depth details on Microsoft 365 licenses, admins should be familiar with Graph PowerShell and can be able to execute complex PS cmdlets.
  • No worries! We have prepared a unified PowerShell script that retrieves and exports Microsoft 365 license usage report and other license-related reports.
  • Download and run the following script in the Administrator PowerShell.
Using PowerShell Script
  • This report helps you to monitor and manage Microsoft 365 license usage for better optimization.
AdminDroid Solution
This report and 150+ more reports are under free editionFREE

AdminDroid Permission Required

Any user with report access assigned by Super Admin.

StepsUsing AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter

  • Open the AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter.
  • Navigate to Subscription usage report under Reports»AzureAD»Subscription Reports.
Using AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter

Get all the license details in Microsoft 365 with in-depth details such as consumed units, active units, unused units, subscribed date, and expiration date with the number of days left in a single report.

  • Gain complete insights into all your licenses with the Microsoft 365 subscription dashboard. Visually appealing charts make it a breeze to understand subscription usage across your organization.

Optimize Microsoft 365 license usage with deeper clear metrics!

Supercharge your Microsoft 365 license optimization with AdminDroid: Improve your license management approach and reduce unnecessary expenses!

Witness the report in action using the

Important Tips

Analyze current Microsoft 365 license expiry reports to strategically plan future license requirements. Ensure that users are assigned with appropriate licenses based on their requirements.

Revoke unused Office 365 licenses from inactive users and reassign them to required users to ensure optimal license utilization and prevent unnecessary expenses.

Monitor users' suspended subscriptions, which are soon to be deleted. Reactivate the required subscriptions that were suspended within 90 days to restore the data from deletion.

Azure ADMonitor Subscription Usage for Improved License Optimization in Microsoft 365

Showing 1 of 5

How to find out when your Microsoft 365 subscription expires?

Managing various Microsoft 365 license expiration dates will be a challenge for admins. However, clear visibility into subscription end dates allows strategic planning for renewals and prevents service disruptions.

You can identify the expiration date for Microsoft 365 licenses by performing the below steps:

  • Login to the Microsoft 365 admin center with appropriate admin permission.
  • Navigate to 'Your products' under 'Billing'.
  • In 'Subscription status', you can see the expiry date of each subscription.

You can make informed decisions for subscription renewals and take timely actions before the subscription expires, with the help of Microsoft 365 license expiry date report.

You should monitor the subscriptions that are close to expiration to effectively manage Microsoft 365 licenses and ensure you never miss a renewal deadline.

With AdminDroid, you can effortlessly get soon to expire subscriptions details for your Microsoft 365 organization users.

  • This report shows users with earliest expiring Microsoft 365 subscriptions along with the exact number of days left and license expiration date.
  • TIP: To sort the report data in ascending or descending order, simply click the column heading.

Here, you can click on 'Earliest Subscription Expiry' to arrange the data in ascending order and easily identify the subscription expiry date as per your requirement.

How to reduce the number of licenses in Microsoft 365?

Changing workforces and evolving license strategies can lead to organizations purchasing excessive licenses. Admins should identify and remove those unused Microsoft 365 subscriptions to ensure they purchase only the licenses they need.

You can remove the unused Microsoft 365 licenses by following the below steps.

  • Navigate to Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Navigate to 'Your products' under 'Billing'.
  • Select the subscription and click 'Remove licenses' from the existing subscription.

Additionally, you can purchase any number of Microsoft 365 licenses and set up an email to receive invoice for your purchases from the billing notification section.


With AdminDroid's 'Unused Subscriptions' report, you can easily find Microsoft 365 inactive subscriptions and remove them to optimize your license allocation.

  • This report provides the exact number of active units, consumed units, and subscription types for better Microsoft 365 license usage visibility.
  • Tip: Utilize the Top subscriptions chart to easily identify subscriptions with lower usage. Also, it helps you to focus on those specific subscriptions and take appropriate measures to maximize resource utilization.

How to delete inactive Microsoft 365 users and remove their licenses?

Inactive users in Office 365 who still have licenses can lead to unnecessary licensing costs in your organization. Identify inactive user accounts and reassign their licenses to the required users for efficient license optimization.

Follow the below steps to find unused Microsoft 365 licenses and optimize your license usage:

  • Login to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Navigate to the Active users' under the ‘Users’ section and select any user.
  • The 'Last sign-in' date shows the desired user’s recent sign-in activity and allows you to find users who are not using Microsoft 365 recently.
  • If the desired user has been inactive for an extended period, you can check for licenses assigned to them and remove those licenses to optimize license usage.
  • If the inactive user is no longer needed for an organization, you can delete the user from the same page, and it will automatically remove the user's license.

You can remove the desired user using the below MS Graph PowerShell cmdlet.

Remove-MgUser -UserId <UserObjectID>

You can also check the license details of the user to be removed using the below cmdlet.

Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId <UPN> | Format-List

You can identify inactive users only with the users’ last sign-in date from the Microsoft 365 admin center. Also, it is not possible to get a detailed report to compare the users' activities across all Microsoft 365 services.

AdminDroid offers a comprehensive 'Inactive Users Overview' report, providing valuable insights by comparing the last activity of the user in each Microsoft 365 services.

  • This report helps you to identify inactive users accurately and manage their licenses effectively.
  • Note: You can email any of the reports in the required format from the report page itself, by clicking the mail icon (✉).

How to manage Office 365 licenses and their usage?

The detailed report on Microsoft 365 license usage helps to make data-driven decisions, forecast license requirements and optimize license usage.

Office 365 license usage management also involves careful handling of license assignment and removal activities.

To assign licenses to users from Microsoft 365 admin center:

  • Navigate to the 'Users' section and click 'Active users'.
  • Select any user and click Licenses and apps on their user details page.
  • Select the appropriate license pack from the list of licenses.
  • Click 'Save changes'.

To remove the licenses, you can follow the same instructions and deselect the licenses from the same 'Active users' page.


  • You can assign licenses more efficiently by creating a security group and adding users who require a specific license with group-based licensing.
  • When the license is assigned to the group, all members are automatically assigned with the corresponding license. This simplifies the license assignment process, ensuring users have the necessary licenses based on their group membership.

However, managing licenses and tracking their usage can be challenging since the Microsoft 365 admin center and PowerShell lack a comprehensive report on your Office 365 license usage.

Admindroid’s comprehensive 'Subscription usage' report provides useful metrics to monitor your Microsoft 365 license usage.

  • With AdminDroid's Quick Schedule feature, you can effortlessly generate a monthly schedule for the subscription usage report. This allows you to regularly monitor the licenses and stay up to date with your organization's licensing status.
  • You can export Office 365 license usage report with various formats such as CSV, PDF, HTML, XLS, XLSX and RAW.

How to audit license changes in Microsoft 365?

Regularly monitor the license changes in your organization to know about current license usage and prevent unauthorized license changes. This gives you a complete visibility into license consumption and enables you to make accurate license assignment plans when you automate Microsoft 365 employee onboarding and offboarding.

Follow the below steps to monitor license changes in Microsoft 365:

  • Login to the Microsoft 365 Purview portal.
  • Navigate to Audit and click the 'Activities – friendly names' menu and choose 'Changed user license' property.
  • Select the desired users based on your requirement and select Workload as 'AzureActiveDirectory'.
  • Now specify the 'Start date' and 'End date' as per your requirement and click Search to view the Microsoft 365 license changes to the desired users.

Once the search is completed, you can find the Microsoft 365 license changes of the desired users.

  • With AdminDroid you can track all Microsoft 365 users' license changes with a single comprehensive report. This helps you to detect unauthorized user actions on license assignments or changes through the Assigned/Revoked by column.
  • AdminDroid’s Quick Alert feature will generate alerts and notify you whenever unusual license changes happen in your organization, helping to prevent unauthorized actions promptly.

AdminDroid Microsoft 365 License Usage ReportingMonitor license usage for enhanced license optimization

AdminDroid's Microsoft 365 license reporting tool provides user-friendly reports and a dedicated dashboard that comprehensively covers all the aspects of license reporting, empowering admins to effortlessly monitor Office 365 license usage.

Discover AdminDroid's powerful features to take control of your Microsoft 365 license management:

AdminDroid's 'Subscription Usage' report offers a detailed overview, including subscription expiry, subscription type, consumed and unused units. Uplift your Microsoft 365 license management with AdminDroid's subscription reports.

A Quick Summary

Effortless License Usage Tracking

AdminDroid simplifies identifying license usage with Microsoft 365 user activities across all purchased services. This ensures licenses are properly utilized by the organization users.

Take Charge of License Optimization

AdminDroid helps you to simplify your license optimization by providing detailed Microsoft 365 license reports, such as license types, subscription info, used & unused license units, etc.

Convenient Dashboard Handling

Visualize smooth tracking of license usage across various departments and easily manage license usage with the help of a Microsoft 365 subscription dashboard.

Microsoft 365 License Expiry Monitoring

AdminDroid’s advanced scheduling enables admins to track Microsoft 365 license expiration dates and get timely notifications. Proactively renew licenses to ensure uninterrupted access to Office 365 services.

Customizable Subscription Reports

Tailor the reports that suit your specific needs. Customize M365 license reports in various formats to match your use cases and share them with appropriate licensing admins to streamline their tasks.

Complete license changes visibility

Monitoring group-based license changes is as crucial as auditing user’s license changes. Here, each user is assigned individual licenses and involves significant license unit consumption.

In conclusion, AdminDroid's Microsoft 365 license reporting streamlines license management with granular license reports, including regain licenses, license/plans assignments, etc. These subscription statistics will completely simplify the Office 365 license management in your organization.

Kickstart Your Journey with AdminDroid

Your Microsoft 365 Companion with Enormous Reporting Capabilities!

Common Errors and Resolution Steps to Export Microsoft 365 License Usage Report

The following are possible errors and troubleshooting hints while checking Microsoft 365 license details:

Error: Your account doesn’t have permission to view or manage this page in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

This error occurs if the user does not have administrator privileges to access the admin center URL or admin center.

Troubleshooting hint :Ensure that the user is assigned with appropriate administrator role while accessing the admin center URL.

Error: The term 'Get- MgSubscribedSku' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

This error is due to the unnecessary spaces and invalid syntax in the cmdlet.

Troubleshooting hint :Ensure that the cmdlet is in appropriate syntax without unnecessary spaces.


Error: Remove-MgUser: One or more errors occurred.

This error occurs when you have multiple versions of the Graph PowerShell module installed.

Troubleshooting hint : Verify the versions of installed Graph module and uninstall the older versions of Graph module using the below cmdlets.

//To get versions of Graph PowerShell module.
Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -ListAvailable
//To uninstall the older versions of Graph PowerShell module.
$Version=<Version_To_Be_Uninstalled> #Provide the value in quotes
Uninstall-Module -Name "Microsoft.Graph" -RequiredVersion $Version -Force

Error: Get-AzureADSubscribedSku: The term 'Get-AzureADSubscribedSku' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

This error occurs when you run cmdlets without installing related packages in PowerShell.

Troubleshooting hint :Install the AzureAD package by using the below PowerShell cmdlet.

Install-Package -Name AzureAD

Error: Get-MgSubscribedSku: Authentication needed, call Connect-MgGraph.

This error when you try to run Graph cmdlets without connecting to the Graph module.

Troubleshooting hint :Verify the MS Graph module is installed and connected using before running the Graph cmdlets.
