When a manager has too many direct reports in Microsoft 365, several challenges can arise:
- Managers may become constantly overloaded and stressed, leading to potential communication breakdowns with their direct reports.
- There is a risk of neglecting users and their activities when there are too many direct reports. For instance, a request to access the SharePoint file might be missed.
- Collecting user activities like group memberships, alerts, etc., becomes very tedious for managers with large teams.
While managing a large number of users can be challenging for a manager, one effective solution is to change the manager for some of their direct reports by assigning them to another manager.
To update the manager for direct reports, use the following cmdlet in MS Graph PowerShell, specifying the manager's and the user's UPN.
$NewManager = @{
"@odata.id"="https://Graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/<Manager’s Object ID Or UPN>"
Set-MgUserManagerByRef -UserId <User ID or UPN> -BodyParameter $NewManager
While the managers with numerous direct reports often face the above-specified challenges, AdminDroid simplifies their tasks and addresses many of the issues. Here’s how:
With AdminDroid’s granular delegation feature, admins can grant users access to a set of comprehensive reports and dashboards within the AdminDroid portal.
The built-in Manage Direct Reports role facilitates efficient management of direct reports.
This role allows managers to view and access the reports for all users who directly report to them. Importantly, managers don't require admin rights in M365 to access these direct reports through AdminDroid.
Here’s a breakdown of steps to assign the Manage Direct Reports role to Microsoft 365 users (managers):
- Navigate to Settings»Admins»Add Administrator in the AdminDroid Office 365 portal.
- From the Select Admins dropdown, choose the relevant managers.
- In the Select Roles field, opt for the Delegated Admin option and then select the Manage Direct Reports built-in role.
- Click the Add Admins button to finalize the addition.
After setting up the manager(s) as delegated admins, they can login to AdminDroid to access reports and dashboards exclusively on their direct reports.