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How to Get Send on Behalf Permissions in Exchange Online

The send on behalf permission in Exchange Online allows users to send emails on behalf of others. Team members, especially those supporting executives, often use this permission to manage communications. Thus, it's critical to closely monitor these permissions to protect against delegation misuse and potential data leaks. This guide will help you explore effective methods to get send on behalf permissions to ensure proper management of Exchange Online.

Native Solution

Microsoft 365 Permission Required


Global Admin or Exchange Admin.

Option 1 Using Exchange Admin Center

  • Login to the Exchange admin center.
  • Select Recipients and click on Mailboxes.
  • Click a specific mailbox and navigate to the Delegation»Send on behalf»Edit.
  • Now you can see the users who have send on behalf delegation permission for the specified mailbox.
Using Exchange Admin Center

Option 2 Using PowerShell

  • Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell module.
  • Run the below cmdlet to get the send on behalf delegation users.
  • Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell
     Get-Mailbox |?{$_.GrantSendOnBehalfTo -ne $null}|Select PrimarySmtpAddress,GrantSendOnBehalfTo,RecipientTypeDetails
Using PowerShell

Option 3 Using PowerShell Script

  • The above PowerShell cmdlet only lists user IDs instead of displaying user principal names for delegates who have send on behalf permissions.
  • To address this, we have created a simple PowerShell script that helps you retrieve and view send on behalf permissions more conveniently.
Using PowerShell Script
  • The script exports a complete mailbox permission report. However, to retrieve only send on behalf permissions, use the -SendOnBehalf parameter as shown below.
  • ./GetMailboxPermissionReport.ps1 -SendOnBehalf
AdminDroid Solution
More than 150 reports are under free edition.

AdminDroid Permission Required

Any user with report access assigned by the Super Admin.

StepsUsing AdminDroid

  • Open the AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter.
  • Navigate to Mailbox with Send on Behalf report under Reports»Exchange»Mailbox Permissions.
Using AdminDroid

Get send on behalf permissions report, including information like mailbox display name, user principal name, recipient type, users who delegated the send on behalf permission, and more.

  • The above chart offers a straightforward way to see all licensed and unlicensed Exchange Online mailbox users with send on behalf permission in your Microsoft 365.

Track Send on Behalf Permissions Report Easily!

Keep send on behalf permissions in check and streamline your email management with AdminDroid's Exchange Online mailbox permission reports.

Witness the report in action using the

Exchange OnlineManage Email Delegation with Send on Behalf Permissions in Exchange Online!

Showing 1 of 5

How to grant send on behalf permissions?

In dynamic workplaces, send on behalf permissions in Microsoft 365 simplify communication between departments, boosting organizational workflow efficiency. Now, let's explore how to enable send on behalf permissions in Microsoft 365.

Assign Send on Behalf Permissions Using Microsoft 365 Admin Center

  • Login to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Go to Users»Active users.
  • Select the user for whom you want to set permissions.
  • Navigate to the "Mail" tab and click on "Send on behalf of permissions" under Mailbox Permissions.
  • Click on "+Add permissions". Search and select the specific users you want to grant send on behalf permissions.
  • Click "Add" to save the configuration.

Grant Send on Behalf Permission Using PowerShell

  • Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell module.
  • Execute the cmdlet below after including the valid mailbox email address and delegate UPN.
Set-Mailbox -Identity "mailbox email address" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo "delegate UPN"

What is the difference between send as and send on behalf permissions?

In Exchange Online, both send as and send on behalf permissions allow a user to send emails representing another user or shared mailbox. However, these permissions have distinct differences which are discussed below.

Send As Permission in Exchange Online

With send as permission, a delegate can send an email from an assigned mailbox. But, the recipient will see that the email was sent by the mailbox owner, with no indication of the delegate's participation.

Send on Behalf Permission in Exchange Online

With send on behalf permission, a user can send an email on behalf of another user. However, the "From" line in the message indicates that the message was sent by the delegate representing the mailbox owner.

With AdminDroid, managing send as and send on behalf permissions becomes effortless!

  • Check the Mailbox Permission Summary report to see all mailboxes and the specific access permissions granted to users, including full access, send as, and send on behalf rights.
  • Simply go to Reports»Exchange»Mailbox Permissions»Mailbox Permission Summary report.

Pro Tip: But wait, there's more! AdminDroid adds depth to mailbox permissions, offering tailored reports for both send on behalf and send as permissions. Get every detail you need, all in one place, making Exchange Online mailbox management a walk in the park for admins!

How to add send on behalf permission to a distribution group?

Assigning send on behalf permissions to a Microsoft 365 distribution group boosts collaboration, allowing selected members to send emails on behalf of the group. This helps streamline communications and make announcements to the entire organization or within a specific team.

To add send on behalf permissions to a distribution group in Microsoft 365, you can either use the Exchange admin center or PowerShell.

Allow Members to Send on Behalf of a Distribution Group Using Exchange Admin Center

  • Login to the Exchange admin center.
  • Navigate to Recipients»Groups»Distribution list.
  • Choose the distribution group you wish to modify.
  • Go to the Settings»Manage delegates»Edit manage delegates»Add a delegate.
  • Select a user and select ‘Send on behalf’ permissions under ‘Permission Type’ drop-down.
  • Finally, click the ‘Save changes’ button.

Add Send on Behalf Permission to a Distribution Group Using PowerShell

  • Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.
  • Run the ‘Set-DistributionGroup’ cmdlet by including the users' UPN to add a delegate to a distribution group.
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity "distribution group" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo "delegate UPN"

How to assign send on behalf permissions for multiple recipients?

Assigning the send on behalf permission to multiple mailboxes can be challenging, particularly when one delegate needs access to several accounts. To simplify this process, here's how you can assign delegate permission for multiple recipients at the same time:

  • Sign-in to the new Exchange admin center.
  • Go to Recipients»Mailboxes.
  • Select the recipients and click on "Mailbox delegation".
  • Search and select the delegate you want to add.
  • Click the "Select permission types" drop-down and choose the "Send on behalf" permission.
  • Finally, save the configuration by clicking "Save".

Moreover, determining a delegate's mailbox access can be a time-consuming process. It often involves the manual review of each mailbox.

Quickly see who has 'Send on behalf' permissions and their associated mailboxes with AdminDroid!

  • You can use the Mailbox with Send on Behalf report with the "Grant Send on Behalf to - contains - Delegate name" filter to quickly identify the mailboxes and their delegates with send on behalf permissions.

Here's a helpful tip: After setting your filters, save them as a custom view. This saves you from setting up the filters every time when you need them. You can also export the report into a CSV file if you ever need the information locally or in your inbox.

How to allow users to send on behalf of a shared mailbox?

A shared mailbox is a single email address that multiple people can access and use to send and receive emails. Configuring 'Send on behalf' permissions is essential for effective email management in such shared mailboxes.

For instance, granting this permission to HR team members in a shared mailbox allows them to collectively manage job applications, employee inquiries, and confidential documents. This centralized approach ensures prompt and consistent handling of all HR communications, maintaining privacy and order.

To allow users to send on behalf of a shared mailbox, follow the steps below.

  • Login to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Navigate to Teams & groups»Shared mailboxes.
  • Select the specific shared mailbox to assign send on behalf permission.
  • Locate "Manage mailbox permissions" and select "Send on behalf permissions".
  • Click "+Add permissions".
  • Search and delegate the user for the shared mailbox.
  • Finally, select "Add" to save the configuration.

Easily manage send on behalf permissions for Exchange Online shared mailboxes with AdminDroid!

  • You can get detailed insights into send on behalf permissions for shared mailboxes through AdminDroid's "shared mailbox permission detail" report.
  • Utilize the "Access Rights equal to Send on Behalf" filter in the Mailbox Permission Detail report to effortlessly view all send on behalf permissions applied to shared mailboxes.

Keeping an eye on send on behalf permissions for shared mailboxes is just the start! To truly secure your Exchange Online environment, it's essential to oversee all delegation permissions across your shared mailboxes.

  • Using Microsoft 365 Admin Center: You can view the list of shared mailboxes and manage their delegate permissions individually.
  • Using Exchange Online PowerShell: You need to use multiple cmdlets or a script to export a detailed shared mailbox permissions report to CSV.
  • AdminDroid Exchange Online Reporter: While the above methods scratch the surface, AdminDroid allows you to dive deep into delegation permissions and their details. It provides dedicated charts and crystal-clear reports, making Exchange Online permissions management effortless!

AdminDroid Exchange Online ReporterMonitor ‘Send on Behalf’ Permissions to Streamline Your Email Communication!

AdminDroid Exchange Online reporter simplifies the management of mailbox permissions, a vital component in protecting data security. With comprehensive reports on delegated access, admins can efficiently monitor permissions, including send on behalf, send as, and full access. This aids in detecting suspicious permission changes, mitigating the risk of unauthorized email activity.

Harness the Power of AdminDroid for Effective Monitoring of Mailbox Delegation Permission!

The 'Mailbox with Send on Behalf' report provides in-depth insights into 'Send on behalf' permissions for mailboxes, including details like mailbox display name, user principal name, recipient type, license status, and more.

A Quick Summary

Advanced Alerts for Mailbox Security

Set up AdminDroid real-time alerts for mailbox permission changes, mailbox non-owner access, etc., to keep your email security tight without constant manual checks.

Manage Guest Users with Delegated Access

Keep an eye on guest users with delegated access to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data.

Export Mailbox Permission Reports to Manage Access

Export mailbox permission reports to manage access rights like send on behalf, full access, and send as, ensuring data security and compliance.

Explore Mailbox Permissions with Exclusive Dashboards

AdminDroid offers a dedicated Exchange Online dashboard for a panoramic view of send on behalf permissions and mailbox permissions across all mailbox types.

Discover Admins with Send on Behalf Permissions

Identify users with send on behalf permissions on admin mailboxes along with their UPN, mailbox type, etc., to revoke unwanted access.

Audit Emails Sent with Send on Behalf Permissions

Discover every email sent with send on behalf permissions in Microsoft 365 with details like sender address, sent time, etc., to ensure proper usage and prevent unauthorized access.

In summary, monitoring send on behalf delegation permissions is crucial for identifying who has control over which mailboxes. This helps to avoid excessive mailbox permissions to suspicious users, which could lead to data breaches or compromised security. Additionally, AdminDroid offers a wide range of reports for mailboxes, enhancing mailbox management.

Kickstart Your Journey with AdminDroid

Your Microsoft 365 Companion with Enormous Reporting Capabilities!

Common Errors and Resolution Steps While Exporting Send on Behalf Mailbox Permissions

The following are possible errors and troubleshooting hints for the Send on behalf mailbox permissions report.

Error: You don’t have permission to send messages from this mailbox.

This error occurs when send on behalf or send as permissions are not properly configured. It's a common misconception that full access permissions grant complete access, but a user with this permission cannot send emails on another user's behalf.

Troubleshooting hint :To assign send on behalf or send as permissions for a specific mailbox, you can use the PowerShell cmdlets below.

#Send on behalf permission 
Set-Mailbox -Identity "mailbox email address" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo "delegate UPN" 
#Send as permission 
Add-RecipientPermission -Identity "mailbox email address" -Trustee "delegate UPN" -AccessRights SendAs 

Error: The operation couldn't be performed because the object couldn't be found on 'MA0P287A04DC003.INDP287A004.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM'

This error occurs because the specified user does not have the proper Exchange Online licenses.

Troubleshooting hint :Assign the appropriate licenses for specific users by navigating to the Microsoft 365 admin center»Users»Active users. Choose the specific user and assign licenses under "Licenses and apps".

Error: The term 'Set-Mailbox' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

This error occurs when the Exchange Online PowerShell module is not loaded.

Troubleshooting hint :Import the Exchange Online module using the following command.

Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

Error: Unexpected token in expression or statement.

This error occurs when user names aren't correctly specified when adding them to existing send on behalf permissions.

Troubleshooting hint :List the users as comma-separated values within double quotes, as shown below.

Set-Mailbox –Identity "mailbox email address" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo @{Add="userId 1","userId 2"}