How to export contacts from the Microsoft 365 admin portal?
Monitor your Microsoft 365 contacts to ensure seamless collaboration with external colleagues, clients, and partners. You can update the necessary contact properties and eliminate unwanted clients who may not be needed for your organization.
You can export contacts from Office 365 using the methods below.
Navigate to Users»Contacts. You can export Microsoft 365 contacts to CSV by clicking on the "Export contacts" icon.
The following cmdlets are used to export Microsoft 365 contacts in the Exchange Online PowerShell.
Get-Contact | Select-Object DisplayName, EmailAddresses, Phone, MobilePhone, Company | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\contacts.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Get-MailContact | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\contacts1.csv' -NoTypeInformation
The Get-Contact cmdlet retrieves non-mail properties for contacts, whereas the Get-MailContact cmdlet fetches all mail-related properties.
If you’re an organization with bulk contacts, managing them through the Microsoft 365 admin center can be challenging. Additionally, specifying required attributes in the PowerShell cmdlet to obtain comprehensive details is a time-consuming process.
- You can access in-depth information on Microsoft 365 contacts, such as display name, company name, email ID, department, job title, mobile number, and more.
- Click on the Download/Export icon to download the report in your desired format.
Pro Tip: Make use of the "Company Name" easy filter to view mail contacts from specified companies.