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How to Get the User Email Statistics Report in Microsoft 365

How can Office 365 mail traffic reports help you track emails sent and received by each user? You can easily detect anomalies, enhance security, and ensure compliance with Microsoft 365 email traffic reports. Gain valuable insights on email volumes per user, number of emails sent and received, and email usage in Microsoft 365. This actionable data can help you improve productivity and workload metrics.

Native Solution

Microsoft 365 Permission Required


Global Admin or Exchange Online Admin.

Option 1 Using Microsoft 365 Admin Center

  • Navigate to the Reports section, then access Usage Reports»Exchange»Email Activity.
  • Scroll down to get the Office 365 users and their actvities in emails.
Using Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Option 2 Using Exchange Admin Center

  • Navigate to the Message trace residing under Mail flow with the required admin permissions.
  • Start a new trace with the time range of your requirement, and you can also download message trace report to a CSV format in Exchange Online.
Using Exchange Admin Center

Option 3 Using PowerShell Script

  • We have prepared a PowerShell script that efficiently retrieves the number of emails sent and received since there is no way to obtain a detailed mail traffic report with a single cmdlet.
  • Download and run the following script in the Administrator PowerShell. You can retrieve the past 90 days data.
Using PowerShell Script
  • By default, the script retrieves the mail received count. To count the number of emails sent use the –MailSent parameter while running the script.
AdminDroid Solution
More than 150 reports are under the free edition.

AdminDroid Permission Required

Any user with report access delegated by the Super Admin.

StepsUsing AdminDroid

  • Open AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter.
  • Navigate to Analytics»Email Analytics»User Total mails»Overall Summary report.
Using AdminDroid

Get the list of All users' sent and received emails count including emails sent and received to internal and external domains, as well as mails to oneself, of your Microsoft 365 environment.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding and visualize your email analytics effortlessly with the help of built-in charts, providing valuable insights at a glance.

Simple yet the best! Isn't it?

Effortlessly export Exchange Online mail traffic analytics in your Microsoft 365 environment by leveraging the remarkable capabilities of AdminDroid Office 365 Reporter.

Witness the report in action using the

Important Tips

Prioritize the identification and filtering of spam mail to safeguard against threats and optimize communication efficiency.

Monitor mail delivery failures to maintain reliable communication in your Exchange Online environment.

Educate users on identifying and Microsoft 365 reporting suspicions or phishing emails to mitigate security risks.

Exchange OnlineFind out total emails sent and received per mailbox each day in Microsoft 365

Showing 1 of 6

Is there a limit to send emails in Outlook?

Yes, to enhance protection against spammers, Microsoft Outlook has implemented measures to limit the volume of email messages you can send in a day, as well as the number of recipients allowed per message.

These restrictions are in place to ensure a secure email environment and prevent misuse of the platform, safeguarding both senders and recipients from potential spam-related threats.

The email limits for Microsoft 365 subscribers are as follows:

  • Daily recipients: 5,000
  • Maximum recipients per message: 500
  • Daily non-relationship recipients: 1,000

To increase sending limits,

There is no direct way to increase email sending limits, Microsoft ensures the validation of an account to increase sending limits.

  • Keep your account information up to date, including your phone number and alternate email address.
  • Update your account's profile information, such as Profile Name, Photo, Date of Birth, and Gender.
  • Create a strong password that includes a combination of uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Add frequently contacted people to your Contacts in Outlook.com.
  • Communicate frequently with your Contacts.

How to get to the email activity report?

The email activity report in Microsoft 365 provides insights and analytics on email usage and activity within an organization. To get an email activity report:

  • Sign-in to Microsoft 365 admin center.
  • Navigate to Exchange resided under Reports»Usage.
  • Under the email activity section, use the column ‘send actions’ and ‘receive actions’ to get the sent and received mail count.

The Email activity report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days.

However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).

AdminDroid enables you to generate reports on your users' email stats, providing insights on email activity across internal and external domains with the exact number of sent and received emails. Additionally, you can obtain reports based on emails per day for a comprehensive analysis of email traffic trends.

  • AdminDroid stores the accumulated data indefinitely, without any retention period.
  • This allows users to access the data at any time, ensuring flexibility and convenience.

How to count emails for a specific mailbox or domain?

To get the number of emails sent from a mailbox or domain,

  • Login to the Exchange Online admin center.
  • Navigate to Message trace resided under Mail flow.
  • Mail flow reports offer the option of default queries or creating a message trace for individual mailboxes or all mailboxes.

Limitations in Exchange Admin Center

  • The default value is 2 days, but you can specify date/time ranges of up to 90 days.
  • It may take several hours before your report is ready for download.
  • The availability time depends on the workload and the number of report requests from other admins. If there are many requests in the queue, you may experience a delay before your request starts to be processed.
  • The maximum size for a downloadable report is 800 MB. If a downloadable report exceeds 800 MB, you can't open the report in Excel or Notepad.

Use AdminDroid Microsoft 365 email monitoring tool to,

  • Have ready-to-download reports available anytime.
  • Handle simultaneous report downloads and export reports to the major formats: PDF, CSV, XLS, XLSX, HTML and RAW.
  • Download with no restriction on file sizes.
  • Set filters for domains using the Simple filter option which would be useful for segregating reports based on domains.

How to monitor the number of emails sent and received?

Regular monitoring of Exchange Online mailbox usage is essential to prevent mailboxes exceeding mailbox quota, as it can lead to email disruptions and communication issues.

By using the mentioned native solutions, efficiently you can track the number of emails sent and received within a Microsoft 365 environment through the Exchange Online admin center's message trace or PowerShell script.

You may also use the provided PowerShell cmdlet below, offering a convenient method to generate a list of all users alongside their respective counts of sent and received emails.


$endDate = Get-Date
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-10)
$users = Get-EXOMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
foreach ($user in $users) {
$emailAddress = $user.PrimarySmtpAddress $sentEmailsCount = Get-MessageTrace -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -SenderAddress $emailAddress | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $receivedEmailsCount = Get-MessageTrace -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -RecipientAddress $emailAddress | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
Write-Output "User: $emailAddress"
Write-Output "Sent Emails Count: $sentEmailsCount"
Write-Output "Received Emails Count: $receivedEmailsCount"
Write-Output ""

With AdminDroid, you can effortlessly receive a daily report on the number of emails sent and received by each user.

  • We recommend you use the ‘Schedule this report now’ option to send the report periodically to your inbox.
  • You can also check whether the schedule has been created by navigating to the Schedule Reports page in your AdminDroid portal.
  • Additionally, you can use the Intelligent Filter option on the Schedule Reports page to view only the previous day's activities, allowing you to focus solely on the email metrics relevant to that specific time frame.

Is it possible to get a message count for an Exchange Online shared mailbox?

Yes, as an Exchange admin, you can directly retrieve the message count from a shared mailbox using PowerShell commands.

Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity <SharedMailboxName> -FolderScope Inbox | Select-Object FolderPath, ItemsInFolder

If you want to check other folders within the shared mailbox, you can change the -FolderScope parameter to the desired folder.

One of the disadvantages of relying solely on native Microsoft 365 solutions is that they do not provide a direct method to retrieve the number of emails sent by a particular user using a shared mailbox.

With AdminDroid's Mailbox Analytics reporting, Microsoft 365 admins can now gain valuable insights into shared mailboxes, including the number of draft emails and their ownership.

  • Additionally, AdminDroid empowers admins to determine the email sender in a thread, enhancing email traceability and tracking communication. Detailed reporting on mail response time and drafted durations further aids in understanding email handling patterns.
  • Moreover, the reporting provides essential mailbox folder statistics, encompassing the count, size, and permissions of each folder, offering comprehensive visibility into mailbox organization.
  • With these advanced analytics features, AdminDroid enables admins to optimize email traffic management in Exchange and enhance collaborative efforts to improve overall efficiency within the organization.

How to manage office 365 mail traffic statistics by user?

Tracking email activity can provide valuable insights into productivity and collaboration. By analyzing the total number of emails sent in an hour, day or week, Microsoft 365 admins can gain insights into communication channel utilization, identify improvement areas, and assess workload distribution.

However, Microsoft 365 native solutions lack in-depth insights into email activity. They do not provide peak period analysis, which identifies peak email communication times, or slack period analysis, which pinpoints periods of reduced activity.

Without this valuable information, admins may find it challenging to assess user productivity during critical periods, identify communication trends, and optimize workflow accordingly.

Unlock productivity's secrets with AdminDroid: Delve into email activity, fine-tune communication, and boost efficiency.

AdminDroid provides a wide range of comprehensive Microsoft 365 reports, such as monitoring email activity, and differentiating email count sent and received between external and internal domains.

  • With its powerful analytics capabilities, AdminDroid enables admins to track and analyze the number of emails sent and received based on hourly and daily trends, unveiling the most active periods of communication.
  • Moreover, its specialized features allow users to identify slack periods, when email activity is reduced, and pinpoint peak hours, when communication is at its highest.
  • These detailed reports empower admins to understand the dynamics of email activity, optimize communication strategies, and enhance overall productivity.

With AdminDroid's powerful email analytics and auditing, monitoring becomes effortless.

AdminDroid email monitoring toolSimplifying the task of monitoring and managing emails!

AdminDroid email monitoring tool stands as a comprehensive solution for Microsoft 365 admins! Effortlessly manage user email counts with top email statistics and gain valuable insights without the need for complex PowerShell scripts.

AdminDroid empowers you with a user-friendly interface and powerful features, enabling seamless and efficient email management

The Overall Summary report under Analytics»Email Analytics»User Total mails will provide a detailed breakdown of the number of emails sent and received for all users, differentiating between external and internal domains.

A Quick Summary

Safeguard Information and Enhance Compliance

Gain insights into all incoming and outgoing emails in your Microsoft 365 organization.

Secure Your Email Environment

Discover the extent of spam and malware detection in your organization with Exchange Online Protection (EOP) reports.

Streamline Alert Generation for External Domains

Set up alert policies to detect when mail is sent to or received from unauthorized external domains.

Office 365 Email Metrics Insights

Discover daily email activity with AdminDroid, revealing incoming and outgoing mail traffic for each mail-enabled user in your organization.

Streamline the Reporting Process with Automated Generation

Schedule email traffic analysis reports delivered directly to your inbox, ensuring constant updates on your Microsoft environment.

Customizable Report Export

Export email activity reports with advanced filtering, column merging, and sorting options. Customize reports to admins' preferences, providing accurate insights for streamlined sharing.

Overall, AdminDroid email monitoring tool enables seamless management and tracking of emails sent and received in your Office 365 environment. With this comprehensive solution, Microsoft 365 admins can effortlessly track and analyze email activity, gaining valuable insights into user communication patterns in your Microsoft 365 environment.

Kickstart Your Journey with AdminDroid

Your Microsoft 365 Companion with Enormous Reporting Capabilities!

Common Errors and Resolution Steps in sending and receiving mails.

The following are possible errors and troubleshooting hints while dealing with emails in Microsoft 365 Exchange Online.

Error: Get-MailboxStatistics: The specified mailbox "X" isn't unique.

This error occurs when PowerShell attempts to utilize a non-unique value for the -Identity parameter.

Troubleshooting hint :To resolve this error, use UPN or User ID for Identity value

Error: Mail traffic can be retrieved only for the past 90 days.

This error indicates that the Exchange Online mail traffic cmdlet can only retrieve data for the past 90 days.

Troubleshooting hint :Ensure that the given start date and end date do not exceed 90 days.

Error: Your Mailbox is Full, you may not be able to send or receive items.

This error occurs when the user Exchange Online mailbox storage is full.

Troubleshooting hint :To resolve this error, you can increase the storage quota for prohibit send receive parameters. And frequently monitor mailbox usage to avoid Exchange Online mailbox quota exceeding.

Error: ./MailTrafficReport.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system.

This error occurs when trying to run the script. The execution policy is set to “strict” by default to prevent scripts from running.

Troubleshooting hint :To resolve this error, you can set the execution policy to run the script.

// Run any one of the cmdlet below to set the execution policy.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Error: Not Started (Message trace not started for too long)

The error occurs when we try to pull email traffic analytics from exchange online for an extended report.

Troubleshooting hint :You can use the summary report option. You can also set filters to mailboxes and date period and receive the report in the mail.